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Business Management

Driving Business Excellence through Quality Management Systems

Posted on March 27, 2023 by Sara Kremsar
1654 | 27 Mar 2023
Driving Business Excellence through Quality Management Systems

Quality is an important factor in any business, but what does it really mean? According to ISO (International Organization for Standardization), quality refers to the level to which a set of inherent characteristics meets specific requirements. To ensure that a business meets these requirements, it needs quality management. ISO defines quality management as coordinated activities that direct and control an organization with regard to quality. This means that a business needs to have a plan and process in place to ensure that it produces quality products or services. That's where QMS (Quality Management System) comes in. 


QMS refers to the activities that businesses carry out to satisfy customer expectations related to quality. It includes an organizational structure, procedures, processes, and resources necessary for planning and implementing a product or service, with emphasis on areas that can affect an organization's ability to meet needs. But it doesn't stop there. QMS also refers to the activities that an organization carries out to control its processes with the aim of achieving the organization's objectives, which are to meet customer requirements and achieve compliance with regulations and laws. This means that QMS is about satisfying customers and ensuring that a business operates within the law and regulations.

So, what does a business need to do to establish QMS? 
An organization must define its processes and how they interact, which resources are needed to produce the product or service, and how it will measure and improve the processes. Along with a quality manual and control, it must establish a system for managing documentation.

Elements of a Quality Management System (QMS) as Outlined by ISO

The ISO has outlined a set of elements that make up a Quality Management System (QMS). Let's take a closer look at each of these:

  1. First, commitment and support from top management is essential. This means providing the necessary resources, collaborating with teams, and leading reviews to ensure inputs for continuous improvement.
  2. Next, resource management involves identifying what resources are needed for the QMS to function effectively. This includes identifying key roles and responsibilities for everyone involved in the system, as well as ensuring that they have the necessary competencies, awareness, and training.
  3. Management review is also crucial for a QMS. This involves assessing the results of the system, including customer feedback and key performance indicators (KPIs), and implementing improvements where necessary. The output of this process includes specific actions that will help the organization continually improve.
  4. In addition, documentation and record management are vital for any QMS. This means having documented procedures for creating, approving, maintaining, and destroying documents and records. It ensures that everything is done in a systematic and consistent way.
  5. Internal audit is another element of a QMS. This means having a documented plan for internal audits, training internal auditors, documenting audit results, and planning actions based on those results. It's an essential step in ensuring the system is functioning as it should.
  6. Finally, continuous improvement is critical for any QMS. This means that the organization must continually improve its processes and the QMS itself. This involves planning corrective and preventive actions, identifying key causes of issues, and checking the effectiveness of implemented actions.

In short, an organization can achieve efficiency and success by systematizing and standardizing its way of working with a QMS. With each person knowing their roles and responsibilities and a standardized management system in place, organizations can be confident that they're following an international best practice model. And for organizations with complex processes, a QMS is essential for ensuring they're operating effectively.

QMS Document Management

Documentation is an important component of any Quality Management System (QMS) as it provides a systematic approach to managing and improving the quality of products and services. The documentation that can be applied through QMS includes a quality manual, which outlines the policies and procedures for the QMS and the quality policy, which describes the organization's commitment to quality. Additionally, the QMS should include quality objectives that define what the organization is trying to achieve in terms of quality.

Documented procedures and records are also required as part of the QMS. These procedures specify the steps that should be taken to ensure that products and services meet the desired quality standards, while records provide evidence that these steps have been taken. Examples of documented procedures and records may include quality control plans, inspection and test reports, calibration records, and corrective action reports.

Furthermore, the QMS documentation should include documents that the organization requires for its operations, such as work instructions, forms, and templates. Additionally, the documentation should include any legal or regulatory requirements that the organization must comply with, as well as any requirements from customers. Overall, having well-documented procedures and records as part of a QMS can help organizations ensure consistent and effective quality control and provide a basis for continuous improvement.

Quality Management Principles

Quality Management principles are a set of fundamental beliefs and values that guide organizations to achieve their quality goals and objectives. These principles are the foundation of various international quality management standards, including ISO 9001, and they provide a framework for organizations to establish and maintain effective quality management systems.

There are eight Quality Management principles defined by ISO 9001:2015:

  1. Customer focus - Organizations must understand and meet the needs and expectations of their customers.
  2. Leadership - Top management should establish a vision, set clear goals, and lead by example to create a culture of quality.
  3. Engagement of people - People at all levels of the organization should be involved and empowered to contribute to the success of the quality management system.
  4. Process approach - Organizations should identify, understand, and manage their processes in a systematic way to achieve their quality objectives.
  5. Improvement - Continuous improvement is essential for organizations to remain competitive and successful.
  6. Evidence-based decision-making - Decisions should be based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information.
  7. Relationship management - Organizations should manage their relationships with suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders to achieve mutual benefits.

Figure 1: QM Principles

By applying these principles, organizations can achieve improved efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased profitability. These principles can be adapted to any organization, regardless of size, sector, or industry.

QMS Implementation

Implementing a QMS requires a systematic and organized approach. An organization that adopts the approach mentioned above and executes all the stages gains trust in the capability of its processes and the quality of its products and establishes a foundation for continuous improvement. However, implementing a QMS must be planned carefully, with designated quality coordinators, disciplinary teams, quality teams, development of policies, gap analyses, process mapping, writing procedures, quality manuals, effective communication, training, audits, and accreditation. This approach ensures that the QMS is effectively implemented and continuously improved upon, meeting the organization's goals and expectations and satisfying the needs and expectations of interested parties. 

Continuous improvement is an ongoing process, ensuring that the organization is continually looking for ways to improve and enhance its products and services while reducing waste and improving efficiency. Implementing a QMS involves several phases, starting with establishing the prerequisites for the ISO project. 

The following are the key phases of implementing a QMS:

  1. Establishing the prerequisites for the ISO project: This phase involves gaining commitment from top management, creating a team responsible for implementing the QMS, promoting the importance of ISO, and providing necessary training.
  2. Planning the implementation of the QMS: This phase involves analyzing the existing situation, defining and documenting the QMS, creating a plan for implementation, and identifying necessary resources.
  3. Implementing the QMS: This phase involves introducing the QMS documentation, training employees, and implementing the QMS throughout the organization.
  4. Conducting internal audits: This phase involves performing internal audits to identify potential nonconformities, verifying that the QMS is working effectively, and identifying areas for improvement.
  5. Management review: This phase involves analyzing the results of internal audits, customer feedback, KPI measurements, and implementing improvements. This is done to ensure that the QMS is continually improving.
  6. Conducting external certification audits: This phase involves a certification body assessing the organization's QMS against the requirements of the relevant ISO standard.
  7. Continuous improvement: This phase involves continually improving the QMS, identifying and implementing corrective and preventive actions, and ensuring that the QMS remains effective and efficient.

Overall, the successful implementation of a QMS requires commitment from top management, establishing a team responsible for implementing the QMS, promoting the importance of ISO, and providing necessary training. It also requires thorough planning, effective implementation, continuous internal auditing, and regular management reviews to ensure that the QMS works effectively and continually improves. 

Achieving QMS Approach

There are steps that need to be taken to achieve QMS Approach: 

The following are the key phases of implementing a QMS:

  1. Determine the needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties: This step involves identifying the requirements and expectations of customers, as well as other stakeholders such as suppliers, employees, and regulatory bodies
  2. Define the quality policy and quality objectives of the organization: The quality policy sets out the overall goals and objectives of the organization in relation to the quality, while quality objectives are specific, measurable targets that the organization aims to achieve.
  3. Determine the processes and responsibilities needed to achieve quality objectives: This step involves identifying the key processes required to achieve the organization's quality objectives and assigning responsibility for each process to specific individuals or teams.
  4. Determine and provide resources needed to achieve quality objectives: Resources required to achieve quality objectives may include personnel, equipment, materials, and finances. This step involves identifying these resources and ensuring they are available.
  5. Choose methods for measuring the effectiveness and performance of each process: This step involves selecting appropriate methods for measuring the effectiveness and performance of each process. These methods may include performance indicators, key performance indicators, or other metrics.
  6. Use these measures to determine the effectiveness and performance of each process: This step involves using the measures selected in step 5 to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of each process and identify areas for improvement.
  7. Determine means of preventing nonconformity and correcting its causes: This step involves identifying potential sources of nonconformity and developing strategies to prevent them. If nonconformities do occur, this step also involves identifying their causes and implementing corrective actions.
  8. Determine and use a process for continual improvement of the quality management system: This step involves establishing a process for continually reviewing and improving the quality management system, based on the results of the evaluations conducted in step 6, and the identification of nonconformities and their causes in step 7. 


In conclusion, the implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) based on Total Quality Management (TQM) principles can be a game-changer for businesses. By following TQM principles and continuously improving through the use of data analysis and metrics, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, improved product and service quality, increased customer satisfaction, and a competitive advantage in the market. Don't settle for mediocrity - embrace the principles of TQM and establish a culture of continuous improvement to achieve long-term success!


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Performance Management Certification
6 Months Ago

I just finished reading your article on driving business excellence through quality management systems, and I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed. Your insights into the importance of a robust QMS are spot-on, and it's clear you've got a deep understanding of how it can truly elevate a company's performance.

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