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Community Member Profiles: Individuals

Welcoming Maša Dalanay to the OPTIMOD Community

Posted on May 20, 2024 by Sara Kremsar
792 | 20 May 2024
Welcoming Maša Dalanay to the OPTIMOD Community

We're thrilled to welcome Maša Dalanay to the Optimod Community. Maša is a Business Fixer & Solutions Designer who has a knack for helping women entrepreneurs spot and fix issues in their businesses, enabling them to reach new heights. 

Maša is not only highly skilled but also incredibly kind and non-judgmental. Her work in our Improving Entrepreneurial Journey Initiative 2022 shows her passion for making a positive social impact. 

We can't wait to see the collaboration and growth that will come from having Maša in our community. Keep reading to learn more about how she's making a real difference in the business world.

Optimod Community Member Profile Card

- Name: Maša Dalanay
- Company: Maša Dalanay
- Position: Founder / Consultant / Coach 
- Industry: Business consulting / Executive coaching
- Company Size: Small
- Headquarters Location: Prangins, Switzerland

Company Website

Member Description

I am a Business Fixer & Solutions Designer for women entrepreneurs who want to find and erase the blind spots from their business and make it fly. What a Management Consultant would do for an Enterprise, I do for Your Small Business. I zoom into your business, discover the blind spots and create custom solutions to erase them. 

My style is equally intuitive and analytical and has been known to unlock powerful eureka moments. I have almost a magical capability to tune-in into you as an entrepreneur. And into your business. To that I add my experience from an international banking environment where I have worked with enterprises of all sizes and industries for 15 years. I am extremely passionate about social impact. When I was quitting my bank, I knew my next career would be focused on helping people and making the world a better place.


  • Currently I live in Switzerland, the land of Heidi – majestic mountains and spring lakes. I am a native Slovenian, and I am married to a very handsome Turkish man. We have 2 kids who we are raising to be quadrilingual and are cosmopolitan by blood.
  • I am a former skiing champ and still addicted to that sport – I feel the most alive and free when I am speeding on the slopes early in the morning and singing with joy.
  • Despite being very direct, I am nice. And non-judgy. Most likely the most non-judgy person you will ever meet.
  • I am utterly obsessed with Olivia Pope from Scandal (you know, THE fixer), and I would like you to think of me as Olivia Pope for your business … “I will handle it”

Company Description

Consultancy and coaching services provided to SMEs led by women. Supporting all business challenges the founders get into.

Main Services & Offerings: 

- End-to-end solutions for corporate execs who want to become entrepreneurs (mindset-USP-foundation-offer-market)
- Executive Coaching (high stake conversations, transformations, leadership)
- Simple Financial Modelling


The Showroom is a section of the Community Member Profile where noteworthy projects, initiatives, accomplishments, testimonials, and other resources are showcased.

Interview in Monde Economique

>> Interview in Monde Economique


Interested in exploring collaboration opportunities with this Optimod Community Member? 

Reach out to their account manager - Sara Kremsar, and let's connect to discuss how we can mutually benefit from working together and take the Optimod Community to another level.

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